Evanston, USA 2011
6th Annual Meeting, September 19th - 21st
Whole day tour and dinner for all meeting attendants -
GEoPD updates (Rejko Kruger)
7:00 Registration/Put up posters 8:00 Welcome Jim Maraganore/Leo Selker Progress reports of active GEO-PD studies 8:30 Large-scale replication of GWAS of PD Manu Sharma 09:30 Rare variants common disease study Matt Farrer 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 SNCA and outcomes Jim Maraganore 12:00 Lunch (Downtown Evanston venues) Jan Aasly 13:30 Data blitz presentations (10 minutes per GEO-PD site) 15:30 Coffee break 16:00 Conclusion of data blitz, questions and answers (group) 19:00 Dinner (To be determined) -
Alexis Elbaz
8:00 Guided poster tour Eric Ahlskog 10:00 Planning for the GEO-PD Consortium - New project proposals
- Funding opportunities
- Future meetings
- Governance
- Closing remarks/ take down posters
12:00 Lunch meeting of the GEoPD Steering Committee 14:00 Adjourn