Seoul, Korea 2012
7th Annual Meeting, October 7th - 10th
Whole day tour and dinner for all meeting attendants -
9:00 Welcome & Membership Updates Jim Maraganore, Medical Director (USA) 9:30 Polyglutamine repeats and PD Manu Sharma (Germany) 10:15 Coffee & posters 11:00 RVCD sequencing & genotyping project Carles Vilarino-Guell (Canada) 12:00 Lunch Katerina Markopoulou & Videomessage 13:30 DataBlitz & Discussion all attending GEoPD members 15:00 Coffee & posters 15:30 DataBlitz & Discussion 17:00 Adjourn 17:00 Closed Meeting, GEoPD Steering Committee - BJ Jeon
- Matt Farrer
- Jim Maraganore
- Rejko Kruger
- Jesse Theuns
- John Ioannidis
19:00 Closed Dinner, GEoPD Steering Committee All other meeting attendants free to discover Seoul, list of recommended restaurants to be provided -
AM - Parkinson's disease in Asia/Australia
Moderator: B Jeon, Korea8:30 Introduction to the region/program B Jeon (Korea) 8:40 What's shakin' down under: An update from the Queensland Parkinson's project George Mellick (Australia) 9:20 The China Biomarker Initiative for Parkinson's Disease Piu Chan (China) 10:00 Coffee & posters 10:30 LRRK2 study in Taiwan: Genetic analysis and functional assay Christy Lin (Taiwan) 11:10 Familial PD in Japan Nobu Hattori (Japan) 11:50 Gene therapy for parkinsonism; the promise and pitfalls Shin-ichi Muramatsu (Japan) 12:30 Lunch 13:40 A novel regulatory role of PINK1 in mitochondrial complex IV: Mechanism and Therapeutics Jin Son (Korea) 14:20 Mechanism of paracrine activation of microglia via neuronal alpha-synuclein Seung-Jae Lee (Korea) 15:00 Coffee & posters Koji Yamanaka 15:40 Highlights of PD Research in Singapore EK Tan (Singapore) 16:20 Panel discussion - Unmet needs, outreach and collaborative efforts in Aia 16:30 Mitochondrial pathology in PD - therapeutic approaches
special seminarRejko Kruger (Gemany) 17:20 Adjourn 18:00 Dinner All meeting attendants -
Posters, Annual Members Meeting
Moderator: Rejko Kruger, Germany8:00 Guided poster tour Jan Aasly (Norway) 10:00 Annual administrative meeting of the members - Jim Maraganore (USA)
- Matt Farrer (Canada)
12:00 Lunch PM - Korean Public Meeting (GEoPD members invited)
GEoPD members invitedGenetics of Parkinson's Disease: Past Lessons & Future Opportunities
Moderator: BJ Jeon, Korea13:00 Next-generation sequencing; the new frontier Carles Vilarino-Guell (Canada) 13:40 Cellular pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease: a unified genetic etiology? Matt Farrer (Canada) 14:20 Cell-based therapeutics; lessons from fetal grafts to iPS Jeff Kordower (USA) 15:00 Coffee break 15:30 Neuroimaging; leveraging endophenotypes to make discoveries Norbert Bruggemann (Germany) 16:20 Back to the Future: from Greek Oracles to DNA Prediction Jim Maraganore (USA) 17:00 Panel discussion 17:15 Adjourn